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Our team
Our team is highly experienced in pig herds management and interacts into an extensive network and many associations within the European pig industry.

Gwenaël graduated from the Nantes-Atlantic National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Sciences and Engineering (France) in 2015 and he is ECPHM resident since 2020. He is practitioner in a swine veterinary practice in France. In the same time, he develops a deep interest and a strong experience in field researches and in clinical trials for industry partners, establishing close relationships with other researchers in many companies, research centers and institutes.

Arnaud is practitioner in a swine veterinary practice in France. He graduated from the Nantes Veterinary School (France) in 1995 and holds the French Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Studies in Pig Production (CEAV) since 2002. In 2013, he successfully graduated from the European College of Swine Health Management (ECPHM). Involved in professional training and motivated to share his experience, Arnaud is member of the Credential Committee of the ECPHM which is on charge of the accreditation of residents to sit the exam. Arnaud has a strong experience in health issue diagnosis and approach to infection dynamics in pig farms. His expertise in PRRSV control is particularly recognized.
Arnaud Lebret

Justine is pig breeding advisor since 2017. She graduated from a Bachelor in Livestock Consulting from the Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture (ESA) in Angers (France). After her studies, she was responsible for a 600-sow farrowing unit in Brittany (France). Today she is in charge of the management of pig farms regarding employees’s teams animation and education, pig feeding, farm-made food manufacture and water system controls in pig farms in France.
Justine Jeusselin

Valérie is practitioner in a swine veterinary practice in France since 1998. She graduated from the Nantes Veterinary School (France) in 1997 and holds the French Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Studies in Pig Production and is currently resident at the European College of Porcine Health Management.
She was a member of the French Medicine Commission (ANMV) from 2006 to 2013. Valérie has a solid experience in the field of pig health management and clinical trials. She is particularly involved in facilities design and ventilation systems control and contributes to reinforcing the rezoolution expertise in this field.
Valérie Normand

Théo joined the team in 2022 as research engineer, data manager and R&D consultant. He graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures (ESA) Angers Loire. He will be manager of the CRO’s activities. During his studies, he developed specific skills as clinical and behavioural observations and recordings, biological samples collection and GCP’s investigations and data management.
Théo Nicolazo

Magalie joined the REZOOLUTION team in 2023. After 25 years of experience as an accountant in a veterinary analysis laboratory, Magalie will be in charge of the administrative, financial and human resources management of REZOOLUTION.
Magalie CAREL

Charlotte joined the team in 2022 as research engineer, data manager and biostatistician. She graduated from the Institut Agro Dijon.
After a first job as consultant in a swine vet practice in France, Charlotte is fully engaged in a PhD thesis in Ecology, Geosciences, Agronomy & Food (EGAAL) Doctoral School from Bretagne Loire University.
This PhD project is a partnership between REZOOLUTION and EPISABE research unit from ANSES. Charlotte is supervised by Nicolas Rose and Arnaud Lebret.
Charlotte Teixeira-Costa

Céline is pig breeding advisor since 2011. She graduated from MSc in Biology Applied to Animal Health at Agrocampus Ouest in Rennes (France), the French Institute for Life, Food and Horticultural Sciences and Landscaping. She supports breeders for the management of pig herds and the performances of pig farms. Since 2012, she has continued to strengthen her experience in facilities design and ventilation system control in pig farm.
In recent years, she has developed her knowledge in diagnostic and the implementation of corrective measures for stray voltages with a recognized French engineer in energy systems. Her objective is to provide independent technical advices to breeders to help them optimize the welfare and performance of their pigs, both in terms of housing and feeding.
Céline Chevance

Florent joined REZOOLUTION in 2024. He graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine of Liège (Belgium) in 2023 after obtaining a bachelor in Biochemistry & Biopharmaceutical Chemistry in Marseille. He followed the animal production module in his final year, and has developed a particular interest in farm audits and project management.