New study on neonatal diarrhea in piglets

New study on neonatal diarrhea in piglets


Neonatal diarrhea in piglets is a daily concern for breeders, veterinarians and technicians. Mortality, loss of growth and the use of antibiotics that they generate oblige us to continue our research in order to better diagnose and better adapt our prevention plans. In the continuity of our previous study on the quality of the soup distributed to sows on the appearance of neonatal diarrhoea, our team has just published a second study in order to improve our knowledge when looking for the responsible germ, in partnership with Labocéa . The sole detection of a bacterium or a virus (by culture, genomic test or rapid test) is not sufficient to conclude on its pathogenic role in the disease, an observation of the lesions at the microscopic level is essential to conclude. Our study is a synthesis of the germs detected and the lesions observed in 106 piglets between 2020 and 2022 in order to link these inseparable diagnostic steps.

PRRSV-1 Stabilization: A Way to Reduce Antibiotic Usage

PRRSV-1 Stabilization: A Way to Reduce Antibiotic Usage

Scientific publication

animal health

PRRSV-1 Stabilization: A Way to Reduce Antibiotic Usage

This study reports an investigation into 19 French farrow-to-finish farms that successfully implemented the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus type 1 (PRRSV-1) stabilization protocol between 2007 and 2019. One year before (P1) and one year after (P2) the introduction of this protocol, the antibiotic consumptions (expressed in mg/PCU and ALEA) were compared for each farm. The difference between P1 and P2 was also calculated in percentages. The transition from P1 to P2 revealed that the higher the consumption levels were in P1, the greater the antibiotic reduction in P2. These results emphasize how stability against PRRSV-1 seems to reduce antibiotic usage, particularly in farms with a high level of consumption.

Report on sow calibration tool

Report on sow calibration tool

Report on the sow calibration tool

Report session with Francoise Foucher from Porcmag at SCEA Le Pont-Car (56).
The objective was to take stock of the interest and practical use of a sow calibration tool, the SOW CALIPER.
Justine Jeusselin and Charlotte Teixeira shared their experience and perspective on the device as well as its practical use in breeding to best support the introduction of new gilts.
Charlotte will present the results of our study on the SOW CALIPER at the Swine Research Days next week (more than 2000 sows followed and 6 different genetics).

Settings of ventilation boxes in farms

Settings of ventilation boxes in farms

settings of ventilation boxes in farms

In the last Porcmag n°574 of December, find the complete file of our team which allows to take stock of the settings of the ventilation box to adapt them to the needs of the animals and the weather conditions. The article is available on the Porc Mag website:

REZOOLUTION accompanies you for all your projects of construction and renovation of livestock buildings but also upstream of their start-up.



Scientific publication

animal health


The purpose of this study was to describe vaccinal strain detection using qPCR on blood samples collected from due-to-wean piglets after a mass vaccination of their dams with amodified live vaccine in five positive stable herds with different management practices including external and internal biosecurity measures.

Data concerning PRRSV-1 vaccine virus strains dissemination within vaccinated sow herdsare scarce. However, it is a big concern for swine practitioners when designing the PRRSV diagnostics strategy in vaccinated farms. At the same time, the possibility of vaccine virus transmission from sows to their offspring is important to have in mind in order to limit the risk of recombination between different PPRSV-1 modified live virus vaccine (MLV1) when both sows and piglets have to be vaccinated. This study was conducted in five PRRSV-stable breeding herds. The selected farms presented different characteristics regarding production parameters and biosecurity management practices in order to be, as much as possible, representative of French swine production herds. In four different batches following a sow mass vaccination with a PRRSV-1 modified live virus vaccine (ReproCyc® PRRS EU, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim, Germany), we failed to detect the vaccine virus in due-to-wean piglets in all of the herds. This should mean that the dissemination of the vaccinal strain is a rare event, even just after a sow vaccination, at least for the vaccine tested in our study.