EAAP 2023 Congress
EAAP 2023 Congress
Let’s go EAAP 2023 !
Théo Nicolazo started with the first of our four oral presentations, presenting the impact of social behaviours of weaned piglets on the prevalence and the severity of porcine ear necrosis. This study was conducted in partnership with Elodie Merlot and Caroline Clouard from INRAE.
He went on with a second oral presentation about the interest of Sow Caliper® measurement at insemination (compared with backfat thickness measurement with Renco®) to estimate body condition on different genetic types: influence on farrowing performances. Data from more than 1700 sows from 6 different farms were recorded.
The congress ended with two oral communications from Charlotte TEIXEIRA.
– The first one about antimicrobials usage reduction following the implementation of PRRS virus control measures (biosecurity and vaccination).
– The second one reported the development of an APP to detect sows at risk for stillbirth and to improve farrowing monitoring in order to reduce stillborn rate.
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